Geeta Mera Nam

super hitThis follows one of the usual plots. This time, it’s separated siblings, reunited as adults. Mom loses her kids at the fair. fair The brother is adopted by a bandit. bandit sonSome other stuff happens. gunhorse fun

The good sister is jailed for a murder she did not commit. This leaves the feisty sister to seek justice. After saving the Bad Guys from certain death, fire ring she joins them in order to clear her sister’s name. girl to the rescue Since this is a Bollywood movie, the gang’s leader turns out to be her long lost brother. girl monkey fire
We know this because of his monkey doll. blame the monkey

The gang leader makes wax dolls out of his enemies. chair of doomwax arabwax arab 2wax
We do not know if he does this because he likes dolls.

The gang leader is fundamentally a Good Guy, despite his obsession with a monkey doll. Every time he turns someone into wax, he has himself whipped. whip me

The gang does their Bad Guy stuff, including roping a train. rope a train

helen being a tartHelen starts as #2’s girlfriend but the heroine quickly replaces her. Helen is left to dance in bubbles. helen bubble cave helen bubbles

Finally, all is revealed. Mom is reunited with her wayward son and his monkey doll. angstmommom reveals

But remember, he’s been a Bad Boy. Whipping isn’t good enough. He has to turn himself into wax. self wax

self wax2